Coningsby (Sir William, English Member of Parliament and a Justice of the King's Bench, c. 1483 -1540) Exemplification of common recovery for Hugh Clerke, Robert Hennege and Christopher Richardson, clerk (by their attorney Thomas Waldram) v John St Paul (Sayntpoll), esquire (by his attorney John Irby) the manor of Byram (Byrom) and 8 messuages, 240 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, 100 acres of marsh 12 shillings’ rent, the rent of a pair of horseshoes and of a pair of gilt spurs and a pound of pepper in Byram and Pool [in Brotherton, West Riding of] Yorkshire, vouchee: Thomas Fyssh, Before Sir Robert Brudenell and his fellows, justices of the bench, Trinity term 1520 rotulet 141, tested by [William] Conyngesby [third prothonotary of the common bench], with fragment of the seal for sealing judicial writs out of the bench, folded, some light creasing, 240 x 440mm., 4 July 1520.
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