Gladstone (William Ewart, prime minister and author, 1809-98) 5 Autograph Letters signed and 4 Autograph Postcards signed to several people, together 8pp. & 4 sides, 8vo & 89 x 114mm., 10 Downing Street and elsewhere, 9th June 1857 - 3rd October 1896, "On Thursday... I am going to entertain a score of working men, released from among the Exhibitors at a next Exhibition in Lambeth, by the Newman Hall..."; and others, including: Lord Russell, Palmerston, Robert Peel, Joseph Chamberlain (2), Disraeli, John Taylor Coleridge (judge); Albert Smith photograph (mountaineer); Wilkie Collins (cut signature); Wellington (3 signed address panels); together c. 60 pieces, folds, v.s., v.d. (c. 60 pieces).
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