Indictment for bestiality.- An indictment, Suffolk [assizes] 1682; Andrew Berry late of Westhorpe (Westropp) in Suffolk, labourer, for buggering a mare on 17 January 1682 "…and that mare he then and there feloniously carnally knew and that detestable sin not to be named among Christians in English called buggery with the aforesaid mare then and there did feloniously commit and perpetrate to the great displeasure of Almighty God in manifest violation of divine and human law to the evil and pernicious example of all other persons being delinquent in such a case and against the peace of the present lord king his crown and dignity and against the form of the statute in such case published and provided",(Annotated: puts himself [upon the verdict of a jury]; not guilty; nor did he abscond), endorsed: billa vera [found as a true bill by the grand jury], manuscript in Latin on vellum, a little soiled, central fold, 70 x 325 mm., 1682.
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