Carter (John) Percy H.Muir & others. Printing and the Mind of Man: A Descriptive Catalogue illustrating the Impact of Print..., second, revised, edition, 1983 § Loudon (J.H.) James Scott and William Scott, Bookbinders, 1980 § Middleton (Robin) & others. The Mark J.Millard Architectural Collection, vol.II: British Books, Washington & New York, 1998 § Gumuchian & Cie. Les Livres de l'Enfance du XVe au XIXe Siècle, 2 vol., reprint, 1985 § Darton (Lawrence) The Dartons: An Annotated Check-list of Children's Books...1787-1876, London & New Castle, De., 2004 § Herrmann (Frank) The English as Collectors: A Documentary Sourcebook, second edition, signed & inscribed by the author, New Castle, De. & London, 1999 § Hall (H.) A Bibliography of Books on Conjuring in English from 1580 to 1850, one of 500 copies, original cloth-backed boards, rubbed, Minneapolis, 1957, illustrations, all but the last original cloth or boards with dust-jackets, the first slightly frayed at edges, a few with faded spines; and c.145 others, general bibliography, art & architecture, children's books etc., 4to & 8vo (6 boxes)
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