Pforzheimer (Carl H.) The...Library : English Literature 1475-1700, 3 vol., reprint, New Castle, De. & Los Angeles, 1997 § Rothschild Library (The): A Catalogue of the Collection of Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and Manuscripts formed by Lord Rothschild, 2 vol., 1969 § Raven (James) & others. The English Novel 1770-1829: A Bibliographical Survey of Prose Fiction published in the British Isles, 2 vol., Oxford, 2000 § Milling (Jane) & others, editors. The Cambridge History of Theatre, 3 vol., Cambridge, 2004 § LeMire (Eugene D.) A Bibliography of William Morris, New Castle, De. & London, 2006 § Teerink (Dr. H.) A Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift, edited by A.H.Scouten, second edition, Philadelphia, 1963, original cloth or boards, the last three with dust-jackets, the second and last items rubbed; and c.45 others on literature, 4to & 8vo (c.55)
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