Brisbane (Albert) Social Destiny of Man: or, Association and Reorganization of Industry, first edition, 2 plates, a little browned and soiled, ex-library copy with remains of labels to front endpapers, library cloth, rubbed and soiled, spine ends and corners worn, 1840 § Wallas (G.) The Life of Francis Place, light spotting, 1898 § Owen (David) English Philanthropy 1660-1960, Cambridge. Mass., 1965 § Adamson (J.W.) English Education 1789-1902, Cambridge, 1930 § Prothero (Iorwerth) Radical Artisans in England and France, 1830-1870, Cambridge, 1997 § James (P.) Population Malthus: His Life and Times, 1979 § Spater (G.) William Cobbett: The Poor Man's Friend, 2 vol., Cambridge, 1982 § Negley (Glenn) Utopian Literature: A Bibliography..., Lawrence, Ks., 1977, some plates or illustrations, all but the first original cloth or boards, the last four with dust-jackets; and c.120 others, social history and reform, radicalism etc., v.s. (c.125)
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