[Beckford (William)] Vathek, first edition in French published in England, first issue with "New Bond Street" in imprint, engraved frontispiece and vignette title (lightly foxed), ink stamp to verso of title, contemporary calf, spine gilt, upper cover detached, spine ends chipped, Clarke, 1815 § Matrimonial Preceptor (The). A Collection of Examples and Precepts relating to the Married State..., third edition, engraved frontispiece and title within decorative border, 3pp. advertisements at end, contemporary sheep, scuffed, 1765 § Hugo (Victor) Hernani ou l'Honneur Castillan, Drame, first edition, first issue with "Hierro" to verso of half-title and p.80 misnumbed "78", disbound, Paris, 1830, the first two rubbed; and 11 others, literature, v.s. (14)
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