Agricultural Distress.- [Standish (Arthur)] The Commons Complaint, wherein is contained Two Speciall Grievances: The First, the Generall Destruction and Waste of Woods in this Kingdome, with a Remedy for the Same... the Second Grievance is, the Extreame Dearth of Victuals, first edition, woodcut royal arms, initials and decorations, lacking folding plate, one or two rust spots (one causing small hole), later marbled wrappers, old library stamp to front inside wrapper, [Fussell p.33; Goldsmiths' 401; Henrey 352; STC 23201.5], by William Stansby, 1611 § Plowshare (John, pseud.) A Farmer's Letter to the True Briton [&] The True Briton's Answer to the Farmer's Letter, both 4pp., only editions, stitched in modern marbled wrappers, uncut, [Kress 5202 & 5238; Not in Goldsmiths'], [1752] § [Chamberlin (W.H.) A Plan for the Employment of Labourers in Cropredy..., [2 copies], table at end, stitched in original printed wrappers, Banbury, J.G.Rusher, [c.1819] § Letter (A.) to the Editor of the St.James's Chronicle, on the Price of Agricultural Labour, by a Magistrate of the County of Devon, first edition, contemporary ink name to head of title and annotation to one leaf, stitched, soiled, [Goldsmiths' 26710], Dartmouth, J.Salter, 1831; and c.20 others, pamphlets on agricultural distress, labourers etc., 8vo (c.25)
⁂ To counter his grievances in the first Standish advocates the planting of fruit trees, breeding of poultry, the destruction of vermin and improving the corn crop.
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