Scotland.- [McCulloch (J. R.)] A Word to the Labourers of Scotland, shewing the folly and wickedness of their brethren in England, who are burning corn, and breaking thrashing mills. (Reprinted from the Scotsman of 15th December 1830.), 4pp., modern marbled wrappers, [?Edinburgh], [c.1831] § Lindsay (John, Earl of Crawford) Information for the Earl of Crawfurd and the Earl Marischall; against the Earl of Sutherland, damp-stained, stitched, frayed at edges, Edinburgh, James Watson, 1706 § Narrative (A) of the late Riots at Edinburgh; and a Vindication of its Magistracy against the Charges advanced in the Memorial for the Papists of Scotland, title and final leaf spotted and soiled, trimmed, stitched in modern marbled wrappers, 1779 § [Dalrymple (David)] Miscellaneous Remarks on "The Enquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots", first edition, rust-spot to one leaf, stitched, uncut, J.Robson & G.Robinson, 1784 § Speech (A) at the Jacobin Club, supposed in the Candlerigs of Glasgow, stitched in modern marbled wrappers, [?Glasgow], [c.1793]; and c.25 other pamphlets relating to Scotland, 8vo & 4to (c.30)
⁂ The first is rare, with Library Hub recording only two copies, and WorldCat adding one other. It is an appeal to the agricultural labourers of Scotland not to follow their English counterparts in self-defeating acts of vandalism and violence during their demonstrations against the introduction of farm machinery.
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