Davenant (Charles) An Essay upon the Probable Methods of making a People Gainers in the Ballance of Trade, first edition, 6 folding tables, contemporary ink signature to title, light foxing, ex-library copy with small ink stamp to title and verso of tables, modern antique-style calf ruled and stamped in blind, by Trevor Lloyd, spine gilt with red morocco label, [Goldsmiths' 3580; Kress 2114; Wing D309], for James Knapton, 1699; Essays upon Peace at Home, and War Abroad, Part I [all published], first edition, half-title, 7pp. advertisements at end, small contemporary ink signature to head of title, lightly browned, contemporary panelled calf, rubbed, rebacked, corners repaired, [Goldsmiths' 4036; Kress 2418; Not in Einaudi], 1704, 8vo (2)
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