Martin (M.) A Compendium of the Practice of Stating Averages, for the use of Counting-Houses, Insurance-Brokers' Offices, Ship-Owners, Ship-Masters, and others..., first edition, modern boards, old wrappers bound in, [Goldsmiths' 23869; Not in Kress], Liverpool, 1823 § Morgan (William) The Deed of Settlement of the Society for Equitable Assurances..., large paper copy with wide margins, partly interleaved with a few additional leaves on bye-laws tipped into blank leaves, contemporary calf, rubbed, rebacked preserving old spine, [Goldsmiths' 28061, but in 8vo; Kress C.3615], 1833; and 8 others on life assurance, savings banks, friendly societies etc., v.s. (10)
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