Tithes.- Oastler (Richard) Vicarial Tithes, Halifax: a True Statement of Facts and Incidents, errata leaf at end, light spotting, decorative bookplate of Thomas Burgess of Morton Villa, Brighouse, Yorks., original wrappers, paper label to upper cover, uncut, soiled, rebacked, Halifax, 1827 § Gauden (John) The Case of Ministers Maintenance by Tithes..., first edition, issue with 2 rows of type ornaments at head of p.1 and first line of text ending "are", old pagination in ink from previous binding, a little soiled but wide margins, modern cloth, [Wing G.344; Not in Goldsmiths' or Kress], by Thomas Maxey, for Andrew Crook, 1653 § Rayner (John) Cases at Large concerning Tithes, 3 vol., first edition, contemporary calf, red roan labels, a little rubbed, W.Strahan & W.Woodfall...for Richardson & Urquhart, 1783 § [Cunningham (Timothy)] A New Treatise on the Laws concerning Tithes, first edition, half-title, a few stains, contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt, rubbed, W.Griffin [& others], 1765; and 3 others on tithes, small 4to & 8vo (9)
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