Proud (Rev. Joseph) The Aged Minister's Last Legacy to the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Apocalypse, first edition, engraved portrait, a few spots, contemporary half calf, rebacked, red morocco label, corners repaired, Birmingham, 1818 § Bousell (John) The Ram;s Horn sounded Seven Times..., first edition, modern cloth, Norwich, Chase & Co., [1787] § Burrell (J.F.) Water Baptism, Circumcision, and the Lord's Supper..., first edition, old library stamp to head of title, modern cloth, uncut, 1816 § Ashworth (John) An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Unitarian Doctrine..., first edition, stain to title, modern marbled boards, Rochdale, for the author, 1817 § Nightingale (Joseph) A Portraiture of Methodism, first edition, 16pp. catalogue at end, water-staining to endpapers, original boards, uncut, ink inscription to upper board, rubbed, rebacked, 1807; and 5 others, Nonconformists, 8vo (10)
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