Medicine.- Bravo (Francisco) The Opera Medicinalia 1570, 2 vol. comprising facsimile reprint and introduction by Francisco Guerra, original vellum, uncut, slip-case, Folkestone & London, 1970 § Guerra (Francisco) Historiografia de la Medicina Colonial Hispanoamericana, limited edition, contemporary Spanish tree sheep, rubbed, Mexico, 1953; Iconografia Medica Mexicana, Mexico, 1955; Bibliografia de la Materia Medica Mexicana, Mexico, 1950; Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis, Mexico, 1952 § Breasted (James Henry) The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, vol.2 only (of 2; plates & transliterations), Chicago, 1930 § Keynes (Geoffrey) A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke, Oxford, 1960; A Bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne, Oxford, 1968, the first five signed or inscribed by Guerra to David Loman, all but the first two original cloth, the last two with dust-jackets (price-clipped); and c.25 others, mostly medicine, v.s. (c.35)
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