Lot 82
African Slavery.- Denman (Joseph) The African Squadron and Mr. Hutt's committee, second edition, [1851] bound with The African Slave Trade. 1850. Report from the... House of Lords.... for the Final Extinction of the African Slave Trade, [1850] bound with Matson (Commander Henry James) Remarks on the Slave Trade and African Squadron, fourth edition, 1848, together 9 pamphlets in 1 vol., contempory diced calf.
Hammer Price: £650
African Slavery.- Denman (Joseph) The African Squadron and Mr. Hutt's committee, second edition, 70pp., reprinted from the Colonial Magazine, [1851] bound with The African Slave Trade. 1850. Report from the... House of Lords.... for the Final Extinction of the African Slave Trade, drophead title, 11pp., n.d. [1850] bound with Matson (Commander Henry James) Remarks on the Slave Trade and African Squadron, fourth edition, 96pp., 1848 bound with [Wilson (Rev. J.)] The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa ... with notes by Capt. H.D. Trotter, map on verso of title, 32pp., [c. 1850] bound with Yule (Lieut. Henry) The African Squadron Vindicated, fourth edition, 41pp., 1850 bound with Mansfield (J.S.) Remarks on the African Squadron, 22pp. & 1p. of advertisements, 1851 bound with Extracts from the Evidence Taken Before Committees of the Two Houses of Parliament Relative to the Slave Trade, second edition, 136pp.,1851 bound with Regulated Slave Trade. From the Evidence of Robert Stokes... House of Lords, second edition, 24pp., 1851 bound with A Letter from Lord Denman to Lord Brougham, on the Final Extinction of the Slave-Trade, second edition, half-title, 1848, together 9 pamphlets in 1 vol., slightly foxed and browned in places, ink inscription of Frederick and Annie Holland on front pastedown, contemporary diced calf, slightly rubbed, rebacked in later calf, morocco label on spine, 8vo.
African Slavery.- Denman (Joseph) The African Squadron and Mr. Hutt's committee, second edition, 70pp., reprinted from the Colonial Magazine, [1851] bound with The African Slave Trade. 1850. Report from the... House of Lords.... for the Final Extinction of the African Slave Trade, drophead title, 11pp., n.d. [1850] bound with Matson (Commander Henry James) Remarks on the Slave Trade and African Squadron, fourth edition, 96pp., 1848 bound with [Wilson (Rev. J.)] The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa ... with notes by Capt. H.D. Trotter, map on verso of title, 32pp., [c. 1850] bound with Yule (Lieut. Henry) The African Squadron Vindicated, fourth edition, 41pp., 1850 bound with Mansfield (J.S.) Remarks on the African Squadron, 22pp. & 1p. of advertisements, 1851 bound with Extracts from the Evidence Taken Before Committees of the Two Houses of Parliament Relative to the Slave Trade, second edition, 136pp.,1851 bound with Regulated Slave Trade. From the Evidence of Robert Stokes... House of Lords, second edition, 24pp., 1851 bound with A Letter from Lord Denman to Lord Brougham, on the Final Extinction of the Slave-Trade, second edition, half-title, 1848, together 9 pamphlets in 1 vol., slightly foxed and browned in places, ink inscription of Frederick and Annie Holland on front pastedown, contemporary diced calf, slightly rubbed, rebacked in later calf, morocco label on spine, 8vo.