
[Waring (Henry)] The Rule of Charity: or, the Liberal Mans Guide, first edition, occasional light browning and spotting, small loss to final blank and final free endpaper, bookplate, previous owner's ink signature to title, contemporary red morocco, g.e., 4 raised spine bands, richly gilt spine, slight rubbing to corners and extremities, small 8vo, for the Author, 1690.

⁂ Provenance. Ink signature of K. Southwell to title. Bookplate of the antiquary Henry Thomas Ellacombe (1790-1885).


[Waring (Henry)] The Rule of Charity: or, the Liberal Mans Guide, first edition, occasional light browning and spotting, small loss to final blank and final free endpaper, bookplate, previous owner's ink signature to title, contemporary red morocco, g.e., 4 raised spine bands, richly gilt spine, slight rubbing to corners and extremities, small 8vo, for the Author, 1690.

⁂ Provenance. Ink signature of K. Southwell to title. Bookplate of the antiquary Henry Thomas Ellacombe (1790-1885).

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