
[Didot (Ambroise Firmin)] Notes d'un Voyage fait dans le Levant en 1816 et 1817, first edition, half-title, scattered spotting, bookplate, nineteenth-century vellum, light spotting, fractional bumping to corners and extremities, 8vo, Paris, [1826].

⁂ This finishes with, "Fin de la première partie des notes", however a second volume was never published.


[Didot (Ambroise Firmin)] Notes d'un Voyage fait dans le Levant en 1816 et 1817, first edition, half-title, scattered spotting, bookplate, nineteenth-century vellum, light spotting, fractional bumping to corners and extremities, 8vo, Paris, [1826].

⁂ This finishes with, "Fin de la première partie des notes", however a second volume was never published.

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