Denon (Vivant) Egypt Delineated, portrait frontispiece, large folding map, 109 lithographs, of which 9 folding, occasional marginal tears with neat repairs, several plates and leaves with marginal loss and neat restoration, occasional damp-staining, spotting, previous owner's pencil signature to title, water-staining to title and first few ff., index with tears into text, title and Index laid onto tissue, later half-morocco, repairs to corners and extremities, bumping to corners and spine extremities, folio, 1825.
Denon (Vivant) Egypt Delineated, portrait frontispiece, large folding map, 109 lithographs, of which 9 folding, occasional marginal tears with neat repairs, several plates and leaves with marginal loss and neat restoration, occasional damp-staining, spotting, previous owner's pencil signature to title, water-staining to title and first few ff., index with tears into text, title and Index laid onto tissue, later half-morocco, repairs to corners and extremities, bumping to corners and spine extremities, folio, 1825.