[Bethel (Slingsby)] The Interest of Princes and States, first edition, lacking initial blank but with 4pp. advertisements at end, a few rust spots, occasional worming to fore-margin touching a few letters, bookplate of Earl of Ilchester, contemporary calf, a little worn, rebacked preserving most of old spine, [Wing B2064], John Wickins, 1680 § Frederick III, King of Denmark and Norway. The King of Denmark His Declaration concerning the English Merchant Ships lying in Copenhagen, translated by Edward Smith, first edition in English, with Postscript to Reader leaf at end, stitched in modern marbled wrappers, [Kress 880; Wing F.2100; Not in Goldsmiths'], Henry Cripps, 1653 § Reasons for giving up Gibraltar, only edition, half-title, folding engraved plan, soiling, old wrappers, uncut, [Goldsmiths' 8419], W.Webb, 1749 § Series of Letters (A); containing a particular Account of the Massacres of Paris, in the months of June, July, August, and September, M,DCC,XCII, first edition, marginal soiling, 19th century morocco-backed cloth, uncut, rebacked, 1793, most rubbed and/or soiled; and 7 others, 8vo (11)
⁂ The first was composed by Bethel during his travels. In it he advocated freedom of trade and liberty of conscience.
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