Sieyes (Emmanuel Joseph, Abbé) Préliminaire de la Constitution. Reconnoissance et Exposition Raisonné des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen. Lu les 20 et 21 Juillet 1789, au Comité de Constitution, 32pp., browned, later wrappers, uncut, Paris, Baudouin, 1789 § Mably (G.B. de) Des Droits et des Devoirs du Citoyen, first edition, half-title, contemporary mottled calf, gilt, a little worn, spine defective at foot, Kehl, 1789 § Bergasse (N.) Protestation ...contre les Assignats-Monnoie, 28pp., modern cloth-backed boards, [?1790] § Granié (Pierre) Histoire de l'Assemblée Constituante de France, first edition, half-title and title foxed and soiled (laid down), final leaf reinforced at outer margin, later calf-backed boards, Paris, 1797 § Arrest du Conseil d'Estat sur le Fait des Monoyes, with final blank, water-stained, modern boards, Paris, Sebastien Cramoisy, 1656 § [Saint-Simon (Claude Henri)] Opinions Littéraires, Philosophiques et Industrielles, first edition, half-title with ink inscriptions (cropped at head), original red boards, spine faded, Paris, 1825 § S[chopf] (F.J.) Der vorsichtige Kapitalist..., first edition, light water-staining, original printed green wrappers, uncut, spine repaired, Pest, Gustav Heckenast, 1857; and 21 others, continental, v.s. (28)
⁂ The first contains early drafts of both the French Constitution, and the Rights of Man, the latter citing 32 articles.
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